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Card (Set)

The Card (Set) Data Model describes the properties of a single card found in a Set.

  • Parent model: Set
  • Parent property: cards

TypeScript Model

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export type CardSet = {
  artist?: string;
  asciiName?: string;
  attractionLights?: string[];
  availability: string[];
  boosterTypes?: string[];
  borderColor: string;
  cardParts?: string[];
  colorIdentity: string[];
  colorIndicator?: string[];
  colors: string[];
  convertedManaCost: number;
  defense?: string;
  edhrecRank?: number;
  edhrecSaltiness?: number;
  faceConvertedManaCost?: number;
  faceFlavorName?: string;
  faceManaValue?: number;
  faceName?: string;
  finishes: string[];
  flavorName?: string;
  flavorText?: string;
  foreignData?: ForeignData[];
  frameEffects?: string[];
  frameVersion: string;
  hand?: string;
  hasAlternativeDeckLimit?: boolean;
  hasContentWarning?: boolean;
  hasFoil: boolean;
  hasNonFoil: boolean;
  identifiers: Identifiers;
  isAlternative?: boolean;
  isFullArt?: boolean;
  isFunny?: boolean;
  isOnlineOnly?: boolean;
  isOversized?: boolean;
  isPromo?: boolean;
  isRebalanced?: boolean;
  isReprint?: boolean;
  isReserved?: boolean;
  isStarter?: boolean;
  isStorySpotlight?: boolean;
  isTextless?: boolean;
  isTimeshifted?: boolean;
  keywords?: string[];
  language: string;
  layout: string;
  leadershipSkills?: LeadershipSkills;
  legalities: Legalities;
  life?: string;
  loyalty?: string;
  manaCost?: string;
  manaValue: number;
  name: string;
  number: string;
  originalPrintings?: string[];
  originalReleaseDate?: string;
  originalText?: string;
  originalType?: string;
  otherFaceIds?: string[];
  power?: string;
  printings?: string[];
  promoTypes?: string[];
  purchaseUrls: PurchaseUrls;
  rarity: string;
  relatedCards?: RelatedCards;
  rebalancedPrintings?: string[];
  rulings?: Rulings[];
  securityStamp?: string;
  setCode: string;
  side?: string;
  signature?: string;
  subsets?: string[];
  subtypes: string[];
  supertypes: string[];
  text?: string;
  toughness?: string;
  type: string;
  types: string[];
  uuid: string;
  variations?: string[];
  watermark?: string;

Model Properties

artist optional

The name of the artist that illustrated the card art.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

asciiName optional

The ASCII (Basic/128) code formatted card name with no special unicode characters.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.0.0

attractionLights optional

A list of attraction lights found on a card, available only to cards printed in certain Un-sets.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.2.1


A list of the card's available printing types.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.0.0

boosterTypes optional

A list of types this card is in a booster pack.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.2.1


The color of the card border.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

cardParts optional

A list of card names associated to this card, such as "Meld" card face names.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.2.0


A list of all the colors found in manaCost, colorIndicator, and text properties.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

colorIndicator optional

A list of all the colors in the color indicator. This is the symbol prefixed to a card's types.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.2


A list of all the colors in manaCost and colorIndicator properties. Some cards may not have values, such as cards with "Devoid" in its text.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

convertedManaCost deprecated

The converted mana cost of the card.

This property is deprecated. Use the manaValue property instead.

  • Type: float
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

defense optional

The defense of the card. Used on battle cards.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.1

edhrecRank optional

The card rank on EDHRec.

  • Type: number
  • Introduced: v4.5.0

edhrecSaltiness optional

The card saltiness score on EDHRec.

  • Type: float
  • Introduced: v5.2.1

faceConvertedManaCost deprecatedoptional

The converted mana cost or mana value for the face for either half or part of the card.

This property is deprecated. Use the faceManaValue property instead.

  • Type: float
  • Introduced: v4.1.1

faceFlavorName optional

The flavor name on the face of the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

faceManaValue optional

The mana value of the face for either half or part of the card.

  • Type: float
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

faceName optional

The name on the face of the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.0.0


The finishes of the card.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

flavorName optional

The promotional card name printed above the true card name on special cards that has no game function. See this card for an example.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.0.0

flavorText optional

The italicized text found below the rules text that has no game function.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

foreignData optional

A list of data properties in other languages. See the Foreign Data Data Model.

  • Type: ForeignData[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

frameEffects optional

The visual frame effects.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.6.0


The version of the card frame style.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

hand optional

The starting maximum hand size total modifier. A + or - character precedes a number. Used only on cards with "Vanguard" in its types.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.2.1

hasAlternativeDeckLimit optional

If the card allows a value other than 4 copies in a deck.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v5.0.0

hasContentWarning optional

If the card marked by Wizards of the Coast for having sensitive content. Cards with this property may have missing or degraded properties. See this official article for more information.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v5.0.0

hasFoil deprecated

If the card can be found in foil.

This property is deprecated. Use the finishes property instead.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

hasNonFoil deprecated

If the card can be found in non-foil.

This property is deprecated. Use the finishes property instead.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.0.0


The identifiers associated to a card. See the Identifiers Data Model.

  • Type: Identifiers
  • Introduced: v5.0.0

isAlternative optional

If the card is an alternate variation to a printing in this set.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.2.0

isFullArt optional

If the card has full artwork.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.4.2

isFunny optional

If the card is part of a funny set, such as an Un-set.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

isOnlineOnly optional

If the card is only available in online game play variations.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.0.1

isOversized optional

If the card is oversized.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

isPromo optional

If the card is a promotional printing.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.4.2

isRebalanced optional

If the card is rebalanced for the Alchemy play format.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

isReprint optional

If the card has been reprinted.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.4.2

isReserved optional

If the card is on the Magic: The Gathering Reserved List.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.0.1

isStarter deprecatedoptional

If the card is found in a starter deck such as a Planeswalker/Brawl deck.

This property is deprecated and no longer provides any useful information.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

isStorySpotlight optional

If the card is a Story Spotlight card.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.4.2

isTextless optional

If the card does not have a text box.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.4.2

isTimeshifted optional

If the card is "timeshifted", a feature of certain sets where a card will have a different frameVersion.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.4.1

keywords optional

A list of keywords found on the card.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.0.0


The language the card is printed in.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.1


The type of card layout.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

leadershipSkills optional

The formats the card is legal to be a commander in. See the Leadership Skills Data Model.

  • Type: LeadershipSkills
  • Introduced: v4.5.1


The legalities of play formats for this printing of the card. See the Legalities Data Model.

  • Type: Legalities
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

life optional

The starting life total modifier. A + or - character precedes a number. Used only on cards with "Vanguard" in its types.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.2.1

loyalty optional

The starting loyalty value of the card. Used only on cards with "Planeswalker" in its types.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

manaCost optional

The mana cost of the card wrapped in curly brackets for each mana symbol value.

  • Type: string
  • Example: "{1}{B}"
  • Introduced: v4.0.0


The mana value of the card.

  • Type: float
  • Introduced: v5.2.0


The name of the card. Cards with multiple faces are given a // delimiter.

  • Type: string
  • Example: "Wear // Tear"
  • Introduced: v4.0.0


The number of the card. Cards can have a variety of numbers, letters and/or symbols for promotional qualities.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

originalPrintings optional

A list of card uuid's to original printings of the card if this card is somehow different from its original, such as rebalanced cards.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

originalReleaseDate optional

The original release date in ISO 8601 format for a promotional card printed outside of a cycle window, such as Secret Lair Drop promotions.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.1.0

originalText optional

The text on the card as originally printed.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

originalType optional

The type of the card as originally printed. Includes any supertypes and subtypes.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

otherFaceIds optional

A list of card uuid's to this card's counterparts, such as transformed or melded faces.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.6.1

power optional

The power of the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

printings optional

A list of printing set codes the card was printed in, formatted in uppercase.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

promoTypes optional

A list of promotional types for a card.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.0.0


Links that navigate to websites where the card can be purchased. See the Purchase Urls Data Model.

  • Type: PurchaseUrls
  • Introduced: v4.4.0


The card printing rarity. Rarity bonus relates to cards that have an alternate availability in booster packs, while special relates to "Timeshifted" cards.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

relatedCards optional

The related cards for this card. See the Related Cards Data Model.

  • Type: RelatedCards
  • Introduced: v5.2.1

rebalancedPrintings optional

A list of card uuid's to printings that are rebalanced versions of this card.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

rulings optional

A list of the official rulings of the card. See the Rulings Data Model.

  • Type: Rulings[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

securityStamp optional

The security stamp printed on the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.0


The printing set code that the card is from, formatted in uppercase.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.0.1

side optional

The identifier of the card side. Used on cards with multiple faces on the same card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.1.0

signature optional

The name of the signature on the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

subsets optional

The names of the subset printings a card is in. Used primarily on "Secret Lair Drop" cards.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.2.1


A list of card subtypes found after em-dash.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0


A list of card supertypes found before em-dash.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

text optional

The rules text of the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

toughness optional

The toughness of the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0


Type of the card as visible, including any supertypes and subtypes and are given a - delimiter if appropriate.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0


A list of all card types of the card, including Un‑sets and gameplay variants.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0


The universal unique identifier (v5) generated by MTGJSON.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

variations optional

A list of card uuid's of this card with alternate printings in the same set, excluding Un‑sets.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v4.1.2

watermark optional

The name of the watermark on the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0